Monday, November 3, 2008

We aint renters no mo!

So, at 5:00am this morning i am slowly awoken by a constant, loud, foreign noise coming from outside.... it sounds like water running, and the water shouldn't be running, so I peek out the window and investigate. To my surprise I see a large pool of water reflecting in the moonlight! Knowing that this is way too loud to be the water heater leaking, I naturally assume someone, or something has turned on the hose full blast and left it to run. Also knowing this is obviously the way horror movies start, I wake up Jeff and Willy for backup and we head out back to investigate. (on a side note, i dont think Jeff or Willy were quite awake until they stepped barefoot into the large pool of water). Upon further investigation, we (I) realize is it not The Killer tricking us into cold wet darkness, rather its our nifty water softener spewing forth cold, possibly salty water. So Jeff and I stared at it a bit with the flashlight, (Willy got bored and went to see what was in his food bowl) before conceding that we know nothing about water softeners, and retreated to the house to read the owners manual. After realizing the owners manuals are for the people who actually know how the water softener works, we (I) decide to take showers and turn off the water until we can talk to "someone".... or at least until daylight comes.

Jeff, being (small) part man and (large) part engineer, decides give the manual one more college try when Bam! the softener turns off and we no longer having water flowing into the back yard.

We suspect this is a natural process for water softeners that occurs on timer.

We also suspect we need to change the timer so I no longer wake Jeff up at 5:00am.

Jeff suspects I watch too much horror.

So by 5:30 Jeff was grumpy he was awake, Willy was happy we were both awake, and I was happy to get to work early to finish my deadline.


Anonymous said...

So I like how you send an email announcing your blog and then your email turns into the blog. That will all end with me. Here is your first official blog comment: Water softeners are the best things that ruin everything else. Our water softner was discharging the "brine" all over our laundry. The key is to make sure the discharge tube is correctly routed to your drain with an AIR GAP. the AIR GAP is really important because if you do not have one you could get poo water mixed into your drinking/shower water and you definitly wont appreciate that. Whatever holds your discharge water must be firm and not allow the tube to flop into your laundry. TRUST ME. All this being said mu skin as never been smoother and my hair is like pantine pro v model hair due to the soft water.

Anonymous said...

by the way ybug71=kevin p